RMs Diesel and Tractor Service Warranty Against Defects includes:
General Vehicle Repairs, Services, Engine Rebuilds and Fuel Injection Pump Servicing.
This warranty is in alignment with current Australian Consumer Law (ACL), Australian Consumer Complaints Commission (ACCC) Guidelines and Fair Work Australia Guidelines and does not replace those consumer rights contained within these laws.
This warranty will be revised every twelve (12) months, or as required if legislation or relevant laws change.
1: GOODS: Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
2: SERVICES: Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For major failures with the service, you are entitled:
2.1: To cancel your service contract with us; and
2.2: To a refund for the unused portion for services paid for in advance, or to compensation for its reduced value.
2.3: You are also entitled to be compensated for any reasonably proven foreseeable loss or damage. If the failure does not amount to a major failure you are entitled to have problems with the service rectified in a reasonable time and, if this is not done, to cancel your contract and obtain a refund for the unused portion of the contract – when the service has been paid for in advance.
3. RMDTS Warranty is for the period of six (6) months from the date of completion of works on the vehicle or job.
3.1: RMDTS Warranty covers:
defective parts
any loss or damage to vehicle while in the workshop.
Proven poor workmanship/mechanic error; ie: no oil in vehicle post service.
3.2: RMDTS Warranty may cover:
costs of transportation of the vehicle back to the workshop if transportation is required to protect the vehicle engine or protect the vehicle from other potential mechanical damage.
3.4: RMDTS Warranty does not cover:
A: Damage/issues caused by failure of customers to service vehicles.
B: Damage/issues caused by unlicensed mechanics working on vehicles prior to our works commencing.
C: Damage/issues caused by parts installed by unlicensed mechanics.
D: Damage/issues caused by home repairs or upgrades.
E: Damage/issues caused by natural disasters (Business Insurance covers these issues)
F: Damage/issues caused by parts supplied by the customer including second hand parts and ‘as new’ parts.
G: Mechanical/electrical issues that become apparent after works/job completed by RMs Diesel and Tractor Service that are proven to not be associated with, related to or caused by previous repairs/works/job or installations.
3.5: RMDTS Warranty will be limited on:
A: Underlying/on-going issues with vehicles over 20 years old or vehicles with greater than 200,000 kms. These claims will be at the discretion of the Manager and Owner and will be assessed on an individual case, vehicles that develop ongoing issues after initial works, as per RMDTS Warranty Policy section 3.4, G. Please also see information for owners of these vehicles – ‘Vehicles over 20 years old OR with greater than 200,000 KMs’.
B: Engines or Pumps, or any other parts, used or new, that are re-installed/installed by anyone other than our mechanics. These claims will be at the discretion of the Manager and Owner and will be assessed on an individual case
C. Parts supplied by the customer, new or used, will limit warranty as RMDTS cannot guarantee quality of items used for these repairs.
4. CLAIMS: Warranty claims are to be made in writing via email to rmsdieselservice@gmail.com. Claims will be assessed in collaboration with the consumer and notification of the outcome will be provided in writing via return email within 7 working days. In the situation that a job/works are complex and require a lengthy investigation and there will be a delay in assessment, updates will be provided to the consumer on a regular basis.
5. DAMAGED VEHICLES/FAULTY PARTS: If your vehicle has recently been worked on and you are concerned that the vehicle is having a mechanical or electrical issue, please do not continue to drive the vehicle. Please contact our Senior Master Technician Rodney Mowle on 02 5508 869. If it is after hours please call 0447 696 618.
If your vehicle requires towing, the fee for this will be considered in your Warranty claim as an expense.
5.1: If the claim is proven to be parts at fault, we will share the cost of the tow.
5.2: If the claim is proven to be mechanic error, we will cover the cost of the tow.
5.3: If the claim is proven to be an issue unrelated to the works attended we will not cover the cost of the tow.

This warranty is in alignment with current Australian Consumer Law (ACL), Australian Consumer Complaints Commission (ACCC) Guidelines and Fair Work Australia Guidelines and does not replace those consumer rights contained within these laws.
RMDTS team is committed to providing quality workmanship and value for money, mechanical services that you can trust.
With over 40 years’ experience as a Heavy Vehicle Diesel Mechanic Rodney has an expanse of knowledge. Rod would like customers to understand the reality that when working on older vehicles other issues unrelated to the job at hand are often encountered.
In Rods 40 years of working on all things diesel, he has come to know that once you start work on a vehicle with 200,00km or over , or 20 years or older, you can uncover a number of hidden issues. Often these vehicles will leave the workshop with the initial mechanical issue repaired only to present another issue, unrelated to the original repair – and so it starts – what can be the never ending headache of owning an older vehicle.
While older vehicles can be great reliable vehicles, better the devil you know, they can also become costly as the KMs add up. Vehicles break down over time and KMs travelled, from a range of issues related to ongoing wear and tear – such as vibration, heat, humidity, yielding, stress corrosion, fracture, fatigue, buckling and stress cracking.
Even the best serviced vehicles will have issue with age and use.
Due to these potential issues RMDTS Warranty is limited on vehicles 20 years or older OR with 200,000 Kms or over.
As per RMDTS Warranty
Warranty section 3.5, A: (RMDTS Warranty is for the period of six (6) months from the date of completion of works on the vehicle or job): Underlying/ongoing issues with vehicles over 20 years old or vehicles with greater than 200,000 Kms. These claims will be at the discretion of the Manager and Owner and will be assessed on an individual case, including vehicles that develop ongoing issues after initial works, as per RMDTS Warranty Policy section 3.4, G.
Warranty Policy section 3.4, G: (RMDTS warranty does not cover): Mechanical/electrical issues that become apparent after works/job completed by RMDTS that are proven to not be associated with, related, or caused by previous repairs/works/services/jobs or installations.
Should an issue be discovered during the work on your vehicle a staff member will call you to discuss the issue and level of urgency for the repair, (Urgent, moderate, watch and wait) this is all documented in your file and on your job sheet. You will be provided with this information on your Invoice also. If you decide not to have recommended works completed at this time all information is recorded for future repairs. If you decide to continue with the repairs an estimate of costs can be provided on request

About Us
Rodney Mowle, owner and operator, of RMs Diesel & Tractor Service (RMDTS) has been servicing the Kempsey region as a Heavy Vehicle Diesel Mechanic, Agricultural Farm Machinery Repairer and Dealer for over 40 years. Now, as a Senior Master Technician, Rod runs RMDTS with a wealth of knowledge about tractors, Agricultural machinery, diesel injector pumps, and decades of engine rebuilds behind him.
RMDTS is a family owned and run business, specialising in diesel repairs, Rod and his team team are committed to providing the best service, at affordable prices. Specialising in diagnostics, repairs and with knowledge of farm machinery spanning over 4 decades, RMDTS is the complete service centre for all your farm machinery, car, large vehicle and vacation vehicle needs. We are also proud stockists of Bare-Co products.
Come down and meet the girls in the office and see if we can help you.